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Meeting Information > November 2022 Annual Meeting (DRAFT)

19 Nov 2022

Annual Membership Meeting
Official Minutes
November 19, 2022 held In Person at River Run Park and Via Zoom
The meeting was called to order at 11:01am by Karen Sanchez, Vice President.
There were 25 Members present in person, 1 member via Zoom and 2 proxies to constitute a quorum.
Management present: Lynne Sansoucie, LCAM, CMCA, AMS.
Guests present: Yessenia from Miramar Police Department.
Denise Glaser made a motion, seconded by Phyllis Myers, to approve the meeting minutes from the 2021 annual meeting with a correction to the spelling of Omena Wint name. The motion carried unanimously.
The floor was opened to Yessenia from Miramar Police Department. She advised the residents that there have been multiple reports within the County that Catalytic Converters are being stolen from vehicles. The thieves are making it look like they are changing a tire, so it isn’t so noticeable. Everyone should be on the look out for this and report any suspicious activity. Yessenia also advised that the City of Miramar may be able to provide funding to have a function at the winning house of the Holiday Decorating Contest. Miramar Police Department is offering “Vacation Patrol” to residents who will be travelling during the holidays. Residents can contact the police department to request these patrols. There was discussion about the traffic/parking for the Halloween event in the park, as well as, speeding, traffic accidents, potholes and fire prevention. Yessenia advised everyone to call 954-602-HELP to report Potholes.
Omena Wint gave the Treasurer’s Report as of October 31, 2022.
The floor was opened to the members. There was discussion about roof cleaning, violations, parking on the sidewalks (residents asked if the Board could tell the City to stop enforcing this), weeds in the lawn (white flowers or “Florida Snow”) and trees on the swale lifting sidwalks and the street or blocking drainage.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:50am.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lynne Sansoucie, LCAM, CMCA, AMS

Revised 1/20/2022 KAN