22 Nov 2023
Board of Directors Meeting
Official Minutes
November 18, 2023 held In Person at River Run Park and Via Zoom
The meeting was called to order at 10:07am by President Karen I. Sanchez.
Board Members present to constitute a quorum: Karen I. Sanchez, President; Lloyd Singh, Secretary; Omena Wint, Treasurer (arrived at 10:10am); and Olgine Brevil, Director attended in person.
Management present: Lynne Sansoucie, LCAM, CMCA, AMS.
The Board of Directors reviewed the minutes of the September 21, 2023 Board meeting. Olgine Brevil made a motion, seconded by Omena Wint, to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.
The Board reviewed the proposed budget for 2024 line by line. There was discussion about cameras, community patrols, tree trimming and storage. Karen Sanchez made a motion, seconded by Lloyd Singh, to approve the proposed budget for 2024. The maintenance fee will be $240. The motion carried 4-0.
There was discussion about the holiday decorating contest. Infinity Community Management, Inc. will donate enough money to double the payout for the contest winners.
Omena Wint and Lloyd Singh stated that they are resigning their position on the Board of Directors effective December 2023. The Board accepted their resignations and asked if anyone in the audience was interested in serving. Phyliss Myers and Tobias Macbeth stated that they would be interested in serving starting in January.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:03am.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lynne Sansoucie, LCAM, CMCA, AMS